The Homer X Project is the longest running interdisciplinary project in the Saint George's Upper School. Ninth grade students research a historical topic of interest to them, construct a bibliography, and write a short story and a research paper about the topic. In the space below, you'll find some of our favorite Homer X stories--pieces that could loosely be termed "historical fiction." Each of these is backed by a good deal of research into a particular topic.
Over the last eight years, we have received many, many excellent stories. A complete list of the stories that shocked us, saddened us, heartened us, or simply impressed us would be much, much longer. These are simply a few of our favorites, selected primarily because they represent storytelling above and beyond what we typically expect of ninth graders. This list is organic, and we expect it to grow over the coming years. Enjoy!
The Saga of My Great Grandfather
The Eighth Wonder of the Modern World