To finish their study of rivers, the 6th graders created cardboard boats that they got to race in the Little Spokane River on June 4, 2019. See photo galleries of Each Team's Boat and of the Cardboard Boat Races, as well as a Video of the Races. Some lasted multiple races; some didn't last as long as they hoped!
The May Term Habitat class spent May 23rd fixing up campus before starting work on a Habitat House in Deer Park. They placed new rocks by the Lower School sign, landscaped around Graduation platform, and repainted parts of Graduation Bridge in advance of Graduation the following week. See a Photo Gallery of the students at work.
Here is a service opportunity working on trails that our students use near campus. Riverside State Park will be leading a trail maintenance project in conjunction with National Get Outdoors Day on Saturday, June 8. This event will be followed by a BBQ provided by the Riverside State Park Foundation. They can use volunteers, so go to the following link for Information and Registration to learn more and sign up to help!
The SGS Blood Drive had 34 successful donations and collected 42 units of blood on May 14. For this year, we’ve had 77 total successful donations we collected 87 units of blood. This is the best drive during Melanie Mildrew's time at SGS.
Thank you to everyone who donated and helped organize this event (see photo for some of the volunteers). We earned the $2,000 STEM grant to replace the GPS units our students use to explore around campus! Not only do we benefit from the grant now, but each single donation can benefit up to three people, so we are helping hundreds of people in our community. Thank you, Dragons!
The Outdoor Club hosted a group of 5th through 7th graders for an overnight campout and hiking trip to Steamboat Rock in the Grand Coulee of Central Washington on May 4-5. See a Photo Gallery of their adventures and a Video shot by student leader Maria Madero. A spectacular countryside for the kids to explore!
The Outdoor Club hosted 5th through 7th grade SGS students on a weekend trip to Steamboat Rock in the Grand Coulee of Central Washington on May 4-5. See a Video created by Outdoor Club student leader Maria Madero of the fun they had hiking the spectacular basalt bluffs, jumping into the lake, and roasting marshmallows over an evening campfire!
On Sunday, April 7, SGS students floated the Little Spokane River along with Melanie Mildrew, Dr. Seth Coleman, and Dr. Steve Hayes (Gonzaga University) to check on the usage of 12 wood duck nesting boxes that were put up as part of several students’ CAS projects last year. Each box was inspected for usage by nesting wood ducks. Last year’s egg shells were removed for later genetic and heavy metal analyses, and old nesting material was replaced with fresh, clean nesting material for this year’s nesting pairs.
Of the twelve nesting boxes put up between Saint George's campus and Indian Painted Rocks, nine had been used by wood ducks last year. "This is a GREAT use percentage, as wood ducks tend to be pretty rare around here (providing the motivation for the project in the first place)," said US Bio teacher Seth Coleman. "One had been used by an owl, one by a northern flying squirrel (a very rare treat to see around here!), and one had not been used."
Right now, along the Little Spokane River corridor, pairs of wood ducks are looking for nesting cavities. Based on last year’s usage, we are hopeful that our SGS wood duck nesting boxes will once again provide vital nesting sites for these lovely little ducks.
Saint George's students climbed, belayed, and explored caves at Smith Rocks State Park in Eastern Oregon over spring break. See a Photo Gallery of them in action!
Animals and plants emerge after the late winter on campus, including a muskrat in the stream by the Middle School, ducks, geese, green shoots, and even the first small flowers in Peter's Garden. See a Photo Gallery of what's happening on campus when the school was closed for spring break.
Students in grades 5-7 have an adventurous opportunity to learn more about the SGS Outdoor Program by going on an overnight to Steamboat Rock State Park Campground on May 4-5. Melanie Mildrew, Director of Outdoor and Community Service Programs, will be chaperoning the trip along with Rick Petrini and Jim Tuck. This trip can accommodate up to 15 students, so if you are interested, please sign up ASAP by signing the waiver form on PowerSchool. The cost of the trip is $50.00 per person, which includes transportation, food, and campground fees. See the Flyer for Details.
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