A plan has been prepared for each student (with one parent) to pick up and drop off belongings at Saint George's at the end of the semester. See the Letter on the Parent Portal for full details. An email to all families will also have a link to sign up for your appointment to come to campus June 8-10.
The Saint George’s 2020 Summer Program, including all summer camps, has been cancelled due to the challenges of the COVID-19 virus and the inherent risks to the school. We know this is a big disappointment to many families and appreciate your understanding of the school’s situation. The few registration fees that have been collected will be refunded.
The members of the Class of 2020 received yard signs to recognize their completion of high school. Here is a Photo Gallery of some of them with their signs and with well wishes from their proud parents. (If you'd like to add your senior to this gallery, send a photo of them by their sign and your well wishes to john.carter@sgs.org.) Thank you, Seniors!
The 7th graders recorded messages of thanks to their teachers and wishes for a good summer break. Thanks to Lee Anne Reber for pulling it all together. See the 7th Grader's Videos here, and Go Dragons!
Like the rest of the nation, the members of the SGS Diversity Club have been saddened by the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and many more. People of color in our community are hurting, and their allies may find it difficult to know what to do. The club is planning to bring speakers, conduct discussions, and raise awareness of diversity issues this fall. They also are providing a List of Resources on the Parent Portal for further education and action.
Dear SGS Community,
I heard back from a few people about where we go next in addressing racism, violence and intolerance. For the last several years, there has been increased attention and conversation around diversity, equity, and inclusion topics at Saint George’s. Many of the topics and discussions have been brought forward in the Upper School community and are a result of student action-oriented engagement with societal issues. As a K-12 school, there is a ripple effect among all divisions of the school when these topics are raised.
The topics of racism and intolerance, and privileged and marginalized populations have been discussed and debated in workshops and forums. The Diversity Club arranged for a speaker, George Lee, to speak with the Upper School students and K-12 faculty last year on race and bias. That jump started an informed conversation, as Mr. Lee was engaging, thought-provoking and challenged the status quo in our little school. It was a start at analyzing our community through different lenses that was unfortunately delayed when the pandemic hit.
The issue of racial injustice continues to be front and center and in many of the conversations I have had over the last several weeks. These conversations are different than in the past, with a general openness to discussing the issue from the perspective of the black person and willingness to listen rather than immediately defend personal feelings/beliefs. There will be a renewed conversation when the students return to schools in the fall. Again, I am hopeful that we can continue to learn, listen and act to create an inclusive and tolerant school community and the same in our greater society. I wish our students were here now to have these conversations. This summer will be busy in preparing for school to re-open, and these topics will be included in the planning for next year.
Have a good week. Stay safe and healthy, and be kind to others.
Jamie Tender
Head of School
Here is a Photo Gallery of images from around the campus in late May when everything was quiet during Distance Learning. Spring was beautiful on the Little Spokane!
Dear SGS Families,
This past week has been one of the most challenging and troubling that I can remember. The senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery has brought many Americans together in protest and solidarity across the country and in Spokane. Their deaths have caused grief, frustration, fear, and anger across the nation.
I am at a loss to find the adequate words to denounce these actions, and to capture all my thoughts and feelings as I process this situation. I continue to listen, learn and think about what I can do to contribute to the change that is needed and long overdue in our country. I feel particularly for our students, families and friends of color. I continue to seek better understanding of and perspective on their life experience. I am hopeful our nation can work together to rid racism and intolerance from our society, and I know our school community will be a part of that work...
Members of the Class of 2020 recorded "Thank You" messages to the teachers at Saint George's who have taught them over the years. See their Thank You Video (compiled by Kristi McKethen) on the SGS YouTube Channel.
Senior families can thank Kristi McKethen for creating yard signs for each senior. To recognize the members of the Class of 2020, please take a photo of your senior next to their sign and send it to john.carter@sgs.org. Also include a sentence or two of well wishes you'd like to share about their time at Saint George's. Make the photo a high resolution (original size) attachment to the email. We will share your photos and well wishes on the SGS website and social media for all to see!
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