S.M. (Sarah) Hulse, SGS Class of 2002, has just released her second novel, "Eden Mine". Set in Montana, she traces the aftermath of a bomb explosion on two families and explores the themes of faith and forgiveness. Read the LA Times Book Review of her novel (in the S-R Feb. 16 edition) and plan to hear Sarah speak at 7pm on March 18 at the Montvale Event Center (1019 W. First Ave.) as part of the Spokesman-Review Northwest Passages series on regional authors. Plus, read an article by Sarah in the Fall-Winter 2013 Saint George's Magazine about how she became a published author.
Saint George's hosted Northwest Christian at the Battle for the Holy Grail spirit competition on Friday, Jan. 31 in the Schmidt Center Gym. In the annual match up of the Dragons vs the Crusaders, it was Saint George's that came out on top in the spirit competition and regained the coveted trophy! See a video of the SGS Dance Performance and photo galleries of the Spirit Competition and the Winners with the Grail. Go Dragons!
The SGS Center for Family Engagement will welcome a panel of local professionals to talk with parents about healthy and effective communication. It will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 6pm in the Dragon Room. We will have Spokane professionals -- including a private therapist, a human resources director, and a GU professor -- speaking on peer-to-peer relationships, parent/child relationships, and parent/teacher communication. Come join the discussion and ask your questions about healthy and effective communication.
Upper School students got a break for one period on Feb. 10 to enjoy time together playing games and decorating cookies (as well as practicing yoga, dance and meditation) for a social-emotional “recess”. See a Photo Gallery of them playing games and decorating (and eating!) cookies, and a brief Slow-Motion Video of how to win at Jenga!
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve." To celebrate Dr. King's birthday, SGS is holding its annual ML King Jr. Essay Contest. The topic is, "How does service honor the legacy of Dr. King, empower individuals, and impact communities?"
This contest is open to all members of the Saint George's community -- students, faculty, parents, and alumnae. All essays will be judged together. Two essays will win a $50 prize and will be published for the community. Essays must be typed and submitted to Joelle Neiwert via email (joelle.neiwert@sgs.org) or in her Upper School box by Monday, January 13 and should be no more than 800 words. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, January 15 and will get to read their essays at the MLK assembly during the morning break time (9:45-10am) in Founders Theater on Friday, January 17.
The Upper School's Winter Formal dance will be Saturday, February 8 from 7-10pm at Commellini’s Event Center. Tickets are $25 at the door, and the theme is Winter Wonderland.
The SGS Center for Family Engagement is holding its next Book Club for parents on Thursday, January 30 at 6pm in the Upper School Library. We will be discussing "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. All parents are welcome to connect with one another and learn from members of our community. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please email meghan.kilgore@sgs.org with any questions or go to the CFE Webpage for details.
Saint George's celebrated the Asian New Year of the Rat on Friday, Jan. 24 in the Upper School Courtyard. There were treats to sample and performances to enjoy; see a Photo Gallery of the activities. Plus an Asian New Year Video, edited by Nianwen Dan, shows the Chinese class singing, Angelina Jiang on violin, Caroline He's solo, a balloon-popping game, and Caroline, Lisa Yuan and Krystal Huang rapping!
6th graders Carsyn Gildehaus and Emily Mullins won the ML King Jr. Essay Contest and got to read their essays at the King Day Assembly on Jan. 17. See a Video of their Speeches on the topic, "How does service honor the legacy of Dr. King, empower individuals, and impact communities?" Each girl received a $50 prize for their winning essay; read Carsyn's Essay and Emily's Essay on the SGS website.
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