The Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade classrooms are busy these days, however, with masks and social distancing, they do have a different look from past years. For the K and 2nd grade classes, that also includes students joining them via MS Teams from their homes. See photo galleries of the Kindergarten Class learning about nature, the 1st Graders Outside gathering items for a nature project, and the 2nd Grade Class (now in the LS Library) writing about nature on Sept. 25 -- the Lower School's Nature Day.
The Kindergarten students were the first ones to have an art class in the new Arts Building on Sept. 8. Several of their classmates participated from home, decorating their own cardboard box of art supplies. See a Photo Gallery of the littlest Dragons in the newest classroom on campus!
The 1st grade students joined music teacher Judy Hafso for their first music class in the new Arts Building on Sept. 9. See a Photo Gallery of them singing and dancing while staying in their "socially distanced" hula hoops!
The Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders created dragon masks for their Dragon Dance on Sept. 10. See photo galleries of the Kindergarten Masks, the 1st Graders' Masks, and the 2nd Graders' Masks!
The Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade classes marched around the Lower School and onto Graduation Lawn to music and greetings at a unique Dragon Dance the afternoon of Sept. 10, 2020. See a Photo Gallery and a Short Video of them marching and singing as they carry on this Saint George's School start-of-school tradition.
Tuesday, Sept. 8 was the first day of classes for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders. Some were learning from home, but most of the students were back on campus with their teachers and classmates -- the first SGS students with regular classes on campus this fall! See photo galleries of the Kindergarten, the 1st Graders, and the 2nd Graders posing on their first day of school.
Wednesday, Sept. 2 through Friday, Sept. 4 was Orientation Week for the Lower School's 3rd through 5th graders. Each day, the students posed for First Day of School photos before starting their classes. See photo galleries of the incoming 3rd Graders on Sept. 2, the 4th Graders on Sept. 3, and the 5th Graders on Sept. 4. Welcome back, Dragons!
Summer reading assignments for incoming Lower School students are now on the Parent Portal's Documents & Bulletins page. Here are links to the incoming K-3rd Grades Summer Reading, the incoming 4th Grade Summer Reading, and the incoming 5th Grade Summer Reading assignments.
The 5th through 8th grade students shared their Student Showcase projects on June 1, 2020 via Microsoft Teams. Students from different grades shared their PowerPoints in one of 13 groups. Each of the groups lasted over an hour, and their presentations are loaded onto the SGS YouTube Channel. Watch them to see a variety of student presentations!
Group 1 - Coordinator: Cassey Buchmann
Group 2 - Coordinator: Shane Kangas
Group 3 - Coordinator: Joelle Neiwert
Group 4 - Coordinator: Jim Tuck
Group 5 - Coordinator: Meghan Kilgore
Group 6 - Coordinator: Kathy Johnson
Group 7 - Coordinator: Rick Petrini
Group 8 - Coordinators: Paulina McGougan & Jennifer Davenport
Group 9 - Coordinator: Melanie Mildrew
Group 10 - Coordinator: Brian Hutchinson
Group 11 - Coordinator: Francesca Mulazzi
Group 12 - Coordinator: Kristie Slattengren
Group 13 - Coordinator: Rachel Hildie
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