The 5th through 8th grade students shared their Student Showcase projects on June 1, 2020 via Microsoft Teams. Students from different grades shared their PowerPoints in one of 13 groups. Each of the groups lasted over an hour, and their presentations are loaded onto the SGS YouTube Channel. Watch them to see a variety of student presentations!
Group 1 - Coordinator: Cassey Buchmann
Group 2 - Coordinator: Shane Kangas
Group 3 - Coordinator: Joelle Neiwert
Group 4 - Coordinator: Jim Tuck
Group 5 - Coordinator: Meghan Kilgore
Group 6 - Coordinator: Kathy Johnson
Group 7 - Coordinator: Rick Petrini
Group 8 - Coordinators: Paulina McGougan & Jennifer Davenport
Group 9 - Coordinator: Melanie Mildrew
Group 10 - Coordinator: Brian Hutchinson
Group 11 - Coordinator: Francesca Mulazzi
Group 12 - Coordinator: Kristie Slattengren
Group 13 - Coordinator: Rachel Hildie
The 7th graders recorded messages of thanks to their teachers and wishes for a good summer break. Thanks to Lee Anne Reber for pulling it all together. See the 7th Grader's Videos here, and Go Dragons!
The annual Middle School recognition videos -- one of the Teachers Announcing Awards and a MS Full Year Slideshow -- will go live on the SGS YouTube Channel at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 9th. Be sure to watch the awards video all the way through to the end for a surprise from the teachers!
The 7th and 8th grade art students studied the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy, then found natural materials to create their own "land art" at home. See a Photo Gallery of their creations, with several of their artworks followed by the student's reflection on the project.
The Student Showcase Extravaganza (formerly known as Genius Hour) on Monday, June 1st, will consist of live presentations from 10-11:30am in a virtual format! All 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, as well as their parents and siblings, will be invited to present their projects on Microsoft Teams in cohorts of 9-10 students. Each student will give a 3-to-8 minute presentation, based on their grade level, to the other students in the virtual room, their families, as well as other community members and staff. These presentations will hopefully display what they have been working on, how the project went, and allow the student to reflect on the process and what they learned. See More Information on the Student Showcase event.
With this year's 5th graders unable to participate in the traditional Transition Day to Middle School, the 6th grade teachers and Middle School Head Joelle Neiwert have created an informative, and humorous, video for the fifth graders to prepare them for next year. You can watch it too and see what Life in 6th Grade could be like this fall!
The 6th graders watched their teacher Kristie Slattengren separate out DNA from strawberries on May 14. Then those who had the materials at home performed their own DNA separation! Here's a Photo Gallery of them mashing up a strawberry, adding soapy salty water and continuing to mash it, then filtering it with a coffee filter, then slowly adding isopropyl alcohol and watching the DNA precipitate so they can scoop it out with a coffee stir stick.
The 7th and 8th grade art students were asked to write and illustrate a magazine poem or to create art using food or draw what’s inside your refrigerator. Here's a Photo Gallery of the variety of results of that assignment.
The teachers and staff in the Middle and Upper Schools miss their students! Here's a Video of photos and video clips from them to the 6th through 12th graders while they have to stay apart. Key messages include "Get Outside", "We are in this together", and "Everyone has lunch duty!" Go Dragons!
The 6th graders want to thank their teachers -- one letter at a time! That's all of them in the photo above. Thanks as well to Azra Sande, 6th grade Parent Ambassador, who organized this "thank you" to the 6th grade teachers.
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