Dropping Off Students at Bus Stops

January 03, 2022

Recently, several parents have been unable to pick up their children at their bus stop, owing to traffic, weather, or life circumstances.  SGS would like to clarify school policy when this happens.  This policy is for the safety of the students riding the bus.
• A SGS bus driver will not drop off children in the first or second grade without a parent or authorized person present.
• A SGS bus driver will not drop off any student of any age who is uncomfortable at the designated stop (especially late bus or activity students).
• The bus drivers are not allowed to give their cell phone numbers to parents.
• The bus drivers cannot use any electronic device while on the bus.
• The bus driver is only able to wait 2 minutes past their drop off time for consideration of later stop times.
• If a student is not dropped off at their stop and remains on the bus, the driver will contact the appropriate school designate, which will coordinate with the driver and parent to pick up the student at a later stop.
• If the school designate is unable to contact the parent or guardian, the driver will return the student to Saint George’s School at the end of their route.
• The school designate will coordinate the pickup time at the school.
The main contact for all transportation matters is John Young.  He can be contacted at any time at 509-220-0845 (cell) or by e-mail at