3rd Lego League Jr. Competes at West Valley Expo

March 25, 2019

The 3rd grade Lego League Jr. teams competed at West Valley HS on Saturday, March 23.  FIRST robotics reviewers approached each team to ask them questions about their Moon Base and what they learned about living on the Moon.  After this presentation period, the students were given a tour of the SGS FIRST Robotics team at their competition before receiving high-fives from the FIRST volunteers and a LEGO medal award.  Former SGS Robotics member, Max Richardson (Denie's son), was home from college to give the third graders a special tour of the Robotics competition.  See a Photo Gallery of their displays and tour.  

The LEGO League Jr. season challenge this year was Mission Moon.  The students had to learn about the challenges that would face them on the Moon so that they could construct a Moon Base.  In addition to learning about the environment on the Moon, each team brainstormed ideas of how to get their air, water, energy and food on their base.  After each team picked their favorite ideas, they began building and testing those ideas with their Legos.  One part of the moon base had to be motorized and programmed with Lego WeDo 2.0.  

Thank you to lead coaches Laura and Chase Bradford and assistants Jacob Swartz and Toshi Shimizu for all their hard work in preparing the students of Team Apollo Lunar Ninjas and Team Discovery Adventurers for the competition and providing a fun experience with Legos!