Thursday, Sept. 16 is Parent Night at SGS for Middle and Upper School families. Parents are invited to meet their children’s teachers and learn about their classes. The evening begins at 6:00pm in Founder Theater for introductions and each family's schedule for the evening, which will run until after 8pm depending on the grade of your student. (An informational meeting will be held before Parent Night from 5:30-5:55pm in the Dragon Room for the optional Washington D.C. trip in June. This is open to students currently in grades 7-9.) See a Parent Night Schedule on the website and plan to meet other parents and teachers for this informative evening!
The Class of 2021 continued the Saint George's tradition, interrupted by COVID last year, of crossing Graduation Bridge on Friday, May 21 and receiving their diplomas on Graduation Lawn. Thirty-four seniors graduated in-person, while ten seniors watched the live-streamed ceremony from China. Watch highlights of the ceremony (John DeForest's Senior Address and the Chamber Choir's Song) and view the Full Graduation Ceremony (video begins at the 15-minute mark) that live streamed on YouTube. Maja Rodell '08 has posted a Gallery of Her Best Photos from the afternoon ceremony -- images can be downloaded or prints purchased through her site. More photos will be posted on the school's website later this week.
The tradition of Prom returned on May 30 with a cruise on scenic Lake Coeur d'Alene. See photo galleries of Gangway Photos as the students and their guests prepared to board the boat and of the Prom Cruise into the evening.
Alex Gustafson, who started at Saint George's in Kindergarten and has been active in drama and choir since 6th grade, was the SGS member of the Class of 2021 profiled by the Spokesman-Review in their Graduation special section on June 3. "Gustafson, who apparently doesn’t do anything short-term, has also been involved in 4-H since she was 4 years old," noted the article. Alex plans to attend the University of Idaho in the fall to study sustainable engineering and farming. Read the Full S-R Article on Alex. Congratulations to a true Dragon!
Graduation for the Class of 2021 returned to the traditional Graduation Lawn location on May 21. See photo galleries of Candid Shots before the ceremony, photos of the Class of 2021, the Processions of Faculty and Seniors, the Start of the Ceremony, Jamie Tender's Kind Words for Seniors with last names A through K and Seniors K through Z (including the 10 seniors watching the live stream from China), the Ceremony's End, and the Reception Afterwards on Davenport Lawn. Plus see video of the Faculty and Seniors Processing up to the reception after the ceremony. See last week's Graduation News Story for links to photos by Maja Rodell '08 and more videos of the ceremony.
The Class of 2021 staged the annual Senior Prank the evening of April 28, decorating the Upper School with streamers and balloons (many with songs or phrases written on them), and creating a summer/beach theme in their teachers' classrooms. They even opened a Saint George's Art Museum with highlighted objects from different teachers' classrooms. See a Photo Gallery of the decorations! An administrator was on hand to make sure no one got hurt, and the next morning the rest of the Upper School helped clean up the displays.
Three SGS seniors learned they will receive scholarships from the Spokane Scholars Foundation during its virtual celebration on April 19. Out of more than 150 seniors nominated by local high schools, Chaitanya Nalluri was 3rd overall in English, earning a $2,000 award. Reagan Ivey was 3rd overall in Fine Arts, also earning a $2,000 award. And Henry Xu was 4th overall in Math, earning a $1,000 award. Congratulations as well to Gabi Cunningham, John DeForest and Winnie Wu, who represented Saint George's in the categories of World Languages, Sciences and Social Studies respectively. A full recording of the event will be posted on YouTube in a few days for viewing. Go Dragons!
The Upper School's Casino Night filled Metters Gym on Friday, April 23 with glamour and excitement. See a Photo Gallery of this semi-formal event that featured fun games of chance where students could earn tickets toward great raffle prizes at the end of the night. Students also stopped by the Photo Booth to get a photo taken with their friends.
The Upper School's Casino Night will be 7-10pm on Friday, April 23 in Metters Gym. This semi-formal event features fun games of chance where students can earn tickets toward the great raffle prizes at the end of the night. See the graphic above for more details!
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