Major Changes to Buses and Parking on Campus

August 26, 2019

Construction of the new Arts Building requires a number of changes to where buses, parents and students will be parking on campus this school year.  These changes include:

- The road past the new Arts Building up to the Davenport House will be closed to all traffic.  It will not be available for parents to pick up or drop off students as in the past.  Instead parents may drop off Lower School students in front of the 5th grade classroom.  (Please do not leave your vehicle parked there, as it must accomodate a number of parents dropping off students.)
- The buses will drop off Middle and Upper School students in their usual location in front of the Middle School.  However, Lower School students will be dropped off in the morning along the sidewalk by the Little Gym and the Errol Schmidt Athletic Center (ESAC).
- This location (sidewalk by Little Gym & ESAC) is also where all students will board the buses after school instead of on the road below the Davenport House.
- The parking lot used by Juniors (on the right after crossing the stream) will be reserved for visitors and construction vehicles only.  Parents may also park in this lot if there is space and walk their students to the Lower School.
- The Juniors and Sophomores will park at the far end of the ESAC parking lot.  They should allow extra time to walk to the Upper School so as not to be late for classes.
- See a printable version of the Campus Map with all of these changes identified in yellow.

If you are driving on campus, please allow extra time during the first weeks of school for parking.  School personnel will be visible before and after school to help guide everyone to the new parking and pick up locations.  Thank you for your patience!