Jamie's Update: Finishing Strong

May 26, 2020

Dear SGS Parents,

Welcome to Phase 2 in Spokane!  I hope you were able to enjoy some rest and relaxation over the long weekend.  We are now just 8 days until the end of the 2020 Distance Learning experience.  I am expecting a strong finish to the school year with some “new angles” on the end of year experiences.  Be sure to check the Division Heads’ letters for details...

In my 16 years at Saint George’s, I have never been prouder to be a part of this extraordinary school. SGS is defined by people, the relationships we form between us, and the ways those relationships shape our lives.  Over the last couple of months, the school’s administrators have been focused on helping our community manage this crisis and run a school.  There is still more work to be done for this year and planning is already underway for next year.  I want to emphasize that our goal is to begin the year in-person, and we will do everything required on our part to make that a possibility.  I am hopeful the re-opening process across the state will enable positive developments for schools such as SGS going forward.

The administrative team and I continue to receive questions about the start of school plans. Unfortunately, we do not have a crystal ball that allows us to provide definitive answers due to the state’s restrictions and their planning for summer and fall 2020.  However, I hope to announce a more complete plan outlining our various scenarios by the end of June.  I will continue to communicate developments as they unfold in the coming month. 

Thank you again for your patience, support and suggestions as we continue to navigate this situation.  I hope you have a good week, and you are finding silver linings along the way. 


Jamie Tender
Head of School