Jamie's Update: Learn, Listen & Act

June 08, 2020

Dear SGS Community,

I heard back from a few people about where we go next in addressing racism, violence and intolerance.  For the last several years, there has been increased attention and conversation around diversity, equity, and inclusion topics at Saint George’s.  Many of the topics and discussions have been brought forward in the Upper School community and are a result of student action-oriented engagement with societal issues.  As a K-12 school, there is a ripple effect among all divisions of the school when these topics are raised.  

The topics of racism and intolerance, and privileged and marginalized populations have been discussed and debated in workshops and forums.  The Diversity Club arranged for a speaker, George Lee, to speak with the Upper School students and K-12 faculty last year on race and bias.  That jump started an informed conversation, as Mr. Lee was engaging, thought-provoking and challenged the status quo in our little school.  It was a start at analyzing our community through different lenses that was unfortunately delayed when the pandemic hit. 

The issue of racial injustice continues to be front and center and in many of the conversations I have had over the last several weeks.  These conversations are different than in the past, with a general openness to discussing the issue from the perspective of the black person and willingness to listen rather than immediately defend personal feelings/beliefs.  There will be a renewed conversation when the students return to schools in the fall.  Again, I am hopeful that we can continue to learn, listen and act to create an inclusive and tolerant school community and the same in our greater society.  I wish our students were here now to have these conversations.  This summer will be busy in preparing for school to re-open, and these topics will be included in the planning for next year.  

Have a good week. Stay safe and healthy, and be kind to others.


Jamie Tender
Head of School