A Message from the SGS Administrative Team
Dear SGS Community,
We return from the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, where we honor and remember Dr. King’s vision for our country. We are grateful for the work Dr. King and countless others have done for equality. This year it feels even more important to think about and appreciate his work as the week ahead has potential for unrest.
This week, the Presidential Inauguration takes place on Wednesday, and there is cause for concern of potential disruption and violence surrounding the proceedings. We know that many of our students, faculty, staff and parents are aware of this potential, and they are worried about what will take place in Washington D.C. and around the country. The attack at the capitol during the electoral college confirmation was horrifying and has been condemned accordingly. We anticipate some students will be watching the inauguration on-line, and some teachers may stream it in their classes, if time and schedules permit. We are prepared to be a resource for students should anything occur.
As an educational institution, we believe in reason, science, and evidence. We also believe in the freedom of thought, freedom of inquiry, freedom of expression and providing a safe learning environment for all students. Today’s climate can make for difficult conversations. We need the strength to talk through issues in a productive and open manner in hopes that we can improve our community. Our students and families of color and members of our LGBTQ+ community are rightfully concerned about their safety in our world. We want to assure them that we value and care for them, that Black lives matter, and that one’s sexual orientation and gender identification are also respected in our community. We will protect these groups, and all students, from hateful speech and action. We strive to be an inclusive community and work diligently to maintain that standard for all community members.
We find ourselves navigating a tumultuous time that will fill pages of history textbooks in the future. We hope that everyone can step back and avoid broad-stroke generalizations to find common ground and understanding around what is good and what is wrong. We are hopeful the vaccine will help us get back to normal lives. We are hopeful that the Inauguration goes without incident, and that our country can become more civil in the days ahead. We are hopeful that we can call upon Dr. King’s vision of non-violence for a more peaceful and just tomorrow. And, we hope you all have a safe week ahead.
The Saint George’s Administrative Team
Jamie Tender, Head of School
Kathy Johnson, Head of Lower School
Joelle Neiwert, Head of Middle School
Francesca Mulazzi, Head of Upper School
Stuart Mermel, Chief Financial Officer
Ryan Peplinski, Athletic Director
Thomas Hurst, Director of Technology
John Carter, Director of Communications
Tami Peplinski, Director of Admissions
Ashley Miller, Director of Development
George Bell, Director of Facilities
Alison Ramsey, Registrar