IB Question of the Week: What Is CAS?

February 01, 2021

IB Question of the Week: Can you explain CAS (creativity, activity and service) for a full diploma candidate, including the learning outcomes?
CAS is organized around the three strands of creativity, activity and service defined as follows: 
• Creativity — exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance; 
• Activity — physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle;
• Service — collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need.
The CAS program formally begins at the start of the Diploma Programme and continues regularly for at least 18 months with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity and service.  Typically, students’ service experiences involve the following stages: 
• Investigation, preparation and action that meets an identified need; 
• Reflection on significant experiences throughout to inform problem-solving and choices; 
• Demonstration allowing for sharing of what has taken place.
All CAS students are expected to maintain and complete a CAS portfolio as evidence of their engagement with CAS. The CAS portfolio is a collection of evidence that showcases CAS experiences and student reflections; it is not formally assessed. Completion of CAS is based on student achievement of the seven CAS learning outcomes: 
• Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth;
• Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process;
• Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience;
• Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences;
• Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively;
• Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance;
• Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Through their CAS portfolio, students provide the school with evidence demonstrating achievement of each learning outcome. Some learning outcomes may be achieved many times, while others may be achieved less frequently. In their CAS portfolio, students provide the school with evidence of having achieved each learning outcome at least once through their CAS program.
Please refer to this Two-Page Brief on CAS for more information.