8th Graders Create Graphic Novels of Family Stories
Brook Bassett's 8th grade English class learned about graphic literary devices by creating their own non-fiction graphic novel. "The students practiced biographical narrative writing by collecting a true story from family, friends, or personal experience," says Brook. After conducting background research, they wrote a narrative and built a storyboard as a plot guide. "Finally, they used the computer program Pixton to create a graphic interpretation of their heritage story where they demonstrated their ability to identify and apply learned graphic narrative techniques, narrative arcs, and characterization."
The Pixton program provides a blank canvas and the students curated and created all the actions, characters, settings, captions, and all nuances when designing their final project of incredible true stories! Read two of the award-winning stories -- Elsa Goeke's "Around the World in a Daring Lifetime" and Sophia Tehrani's "The Man Himself". Plus click here for Links to All the Graphic Stories written by the 8th graders. They are fascinating!