See Middle School Genius Hour Presentations
The Middle School students each completed a Genius Hour project this spring -- learning a new skill, working on a big project, or creating anything from video games to athletic shoes! They got to share, with students in-person and with family members via live stream, what they attempted, what worked, what didn't, and what they learned from it all. See a Photo Gallery of some of the presenters. And here are links to the presentations on May 24th, each about an hour long, from the 10 different groups of students:
Group 1, presented by Esther & Sarah, Colton, Kaden, Bryson, Regan & Jake, Bella, Sophie, and Andrew;
Group 2, presented by Ava, Robert, Britta, Berkley, Michael, Remmy, Natalie & Alessandra, and Joaquin;
Group 3, presented by Ian R., emily, Liam, Brady, Isa, Lindsey, Gannon, and Joe;
Group 4, presented by Simon, Braeden, Thomas, Bailey, Colin, Maya & Sarah, Ian Rizvi, and Gemma;
Group 5, presented by Kaylee, Megan, Bryson & Vihaan, Alisha, Maggie, Jillian, Audra, and Preston;
Group 6, presented by Savvy, Liam, Sam, Shawn & Mason, Max, Joey, and Josie;
Group 7, presented by Delaney & Hadley, Abi, Ellie, Iz, Sophia, Ashley, Grace, and Riley & Kylie;
Group 8, presented by Alex & Lillian, Everett, Hrair & Finn & Will, Thatcher, Oliver, Adrian, and Fallon;
Group 9, presented by Elsa, Janie, Dexter, Vivianne, Jordan, Julianne, Sophia, and Audrey;
Group 10, presented by Carsyn, Katie, Matt & Matt & Per, Edie, Xuxa, Dua, Bella, Gavin, and Ryan.