Reasons to Support the SGS Annual Fund

November 15, 2021

Several parents have shared some of the reasons they give back to Saint George's School: 

"SGS is a place where my children are all known and loved. They are seen as individuals and the teachers support and challenge them to achieve their highest potential." -Genevieve Mann Morris 

"We give to Saint George’s to honor the educators and staff that are such a huge part of the overall development and well-being of our two boys, and all children for that matter." -Manny and Vange Hochheimer

"We believe that education is one of the most important factors for success in the future. SGS has a solid educational curriculum and a proven track record for making available to students and their families the keys to educational and future success… We considered many different opportunities in the region and SGS stood out as exemplary in all facets of education." -Maren and Robert Scoggins

Please join these and many other SGS families and make a donation to the Annual Fund -- CLICK HERE to do it today!