SGS "Scare Away Hunger" Food Drive Ends Nov. 7

October 30, 2017

Saint George's "Scare Away Hunger" food drive for Second Harvest begins Tuesday, October 17 and runs until Tuesday, November 7.  The grade that brings in the most pounds of food per person in that class will win the heavyweight belt.  There are also competitions within the divisions.  In the Lower School, the grade with the most food will take a field trip to Second Harvest.  There is also a food bin decorating contest, and the winners will get to enjoy waffles with the Middle School.  In the Middle School, the grade with the most food will enjoy a treat coordinated with their teachers.  The Upper School grade with the most food will enjoy a treat coordinated with their Class Dean.  Please bring in canned or non-perishable food and "scare away hunger" in Spokane!