Davenport Chosen for NWAIS Futurist Fellows

April 30, 2018

SGS art teacher Jennifer Davenport has been selected by the NorthWest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) to serve as a Futurist Fellow.  Futurist Fellows imagine the future of Independent Schools, such as Saint George's, through a year-long design experience with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues.  Using the guiding question, "How might we reimagine our current schools so that we sustain, flourish and thrive into the future?", the team will develop a design question to explore over the course of the year and then disseminate their learning to the rest of the NWAIS community.  Futurist Fellows will be teamed with a group of other big thinkers in the community to utilize a design-thinking paradigm to focus on a subset of this big question.  Congratulations to Jennifer on this honor and good luck with your team!