Time to Order 6th-12th Grade Lunches for 2019
The Secondary School (grades 6-12) offers lunches four days out of the week (Tuesday through Friday). We are currently taking orders for the first half of Semester 2 (Jan. 3 - March 15, 2019). Lunches are $6.00 each, the cost will be billed to your student account.
You may choose from just one day of lunches up to all four days in any combination, but every day will be the same choice and you are ordering for the entire session. For instance, if you choose Orange Chicken for Tuesday, that is what you will get every Tuesday. Please also note that there are no refunds for any reason, including missed lunches due to absences or field trips. We cannot accept any cancellations or changes after January 17, 2019. Please see the Lunch Calendar on the website for details.
If you would like to take advantage of the Secondary School lunch program, please complete and submit the Online Order Form by 3pm on Monday, December 10. Thank you!