Saint George's will return to in-person learning for all students grades K-12 in the Fall of 2021. So what is school like when everyone is on campus? Here you can watch some recent videos that show our students actively engaged as scholars, athletes and artists. Then contact the Admission Office at 509-464-8744 or or fill out the Inquiry Form and schedule a tour to learn more about the best school in Spokane!
Jamie Tender, Head of School, welcomes you to a quick overview of all the great things that Saint George's School has to offer.
Saint George's students opened the 2018 school year with their annual tradition of the Dragon Dance across Graduation Lawn. The senior class, under the Dragon, leads the rest of the classes who march behind them carrying their own red banners.
Students and teachers share what makes Saint George's special in this "Power the Dragon" video. We are SG!
October 16, 2019 was a busy day on campus. First the 8th-11th graders took the PSAT test, then listened to the band during a special Oktoberfest lunch. That afternoon Middle and Upper School students enjoyed a variety of activities to relieve stress and build community.
The 2018 Spring Fundraiser featured this video of student ideas for how to make Saint George's campus even better.
Did you know that there are no penguins north of the equator? The 1st graders did, and they sang it about it at the Lower School Assembly.
The 5th graders studied bridge designs, then used toothpicks and glue to build their own bridges. When they loaded them to the breaking point, the strongest bridges held 19 lbs!
The SGS faculty and Class of 2019 march out following the Angus Scott Pipe Band after the Graduation Ceremony on May 31, 2019.
This video highlights the art and music programs at Saint George's as the school prepared to build a new Art & Music Building in 2019.
"Beethoven Day" is the song of the hour in this performance of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" by the drama department in fall 2019.
After studying rivers, the 6th graders finish the year by racing cardboard boats across the Little Spokane River. How long can they stay afloat? Longer than you'd expect for some boats, and not long enough for others!
The Outdoor Club hosted 5th through 7th grade SGS students on a weekend trip to Steamboat Rock in the Grand Coulee of Central Washington. Plenty of fun hiking the spectacular basalt bluffs, jumping into the lake, and roasting marshmallows over an evening campfire!
The SGS boys' basketball team earned the 3rd place trophy at the State 2B Tournament with a decisive 80-52 win over Willapa Valley on March 7, 2020. Nick Watkins poured in 35 points as the Dragons finished their season with a 23-5 record.
View the most recent Saint George's videos on the SGS YouTube Channel.