Clubs & Groups

Plenty of opportunities to get involved

Much of what students learn at Saint George’s happens outside the classroom. Lower School students gain new skills through Chess Club, join the Little Dragon Cheerleaders, and discover the fun of coding their own video games. They enjoy after-school sports camps and private music lessons on campus. Middle School students win statewide honors on Math Counts and Math Is Cool teams, learn about sustainability and community in the Green Club, and make tortillas from scratch in the International Club.

By the time students reach Upper School, they have an idea of what they like and can start specializing. Dragons measure up against the top engineering students in the world through FIRST Robotics tournaments. They compete in math and economics contests during lunch breaks. Both Knowledge Bowl and History Bowl teams have made their mark on the state and nationally. The Associated Student Body (ASB) helps keep the school running smoothly. In the Community 

Service club, Dragons put our mission into action. Our Outdoor Club members hike, canoe, bike, and ski. Day trips often start right on our 120 acre campus. Longer trips afford students the chance to learn how to survive and thrive in nature.

Across the divisions, Dragon Clubs encourage students to hone old skills and practice new ones. Students often remember their coaches and leaders as important teachers, even though they never receive grades.