Middle School News

Middle School students chose a word they would like to achieve or become in 2021. Then they wrote them in Spanish or Chinese and decorated these drawings on the Middle School entrance hallway wall.  See a Photo Gallery of their colorful good words. 

Middle School students celebrated Pi Day (3.14) with lots of slices of pie and seeing how many digits of Pi they could recite from memory.  The top students remembered over 200 digits!  See a Photo Gallery and a short Video of Pi Day that was celebrated outside on Friday, March 12 in the 60-degree sunshine!

The 7th and 8th grade art students created their names in graffiti style.  See a Photo Gallery of their names, which are up on a wall near the Middle School office.

On Friday afternoons, a number of Middle School students participate in Lifetime Sports in the Schmidt Center Gym.  Here are photo galleries of them Shooting Hoops and Setting Volleyballs, as well as a rousing Game of Kickball.

The SGS FIRST Lego League team builds Lego robots and structures as part of a competition with other schools.  See a Photo Gallery of the team of 6th graders, who have made some impressive creations!

Ten Saint George's Middle School students competed in the annual National Geographic Geography Bee on Feb. 17 in Founders Theater.  See a Photo Gallery from the event and watch the full 35-Minute Video to see how well you would do on these tough geography questions.  Congratulations to 7th grader Matthew Longstreth, who knew the final answer to "Which country on the Atlantic Ocean is just south of Lake Chad and is bordered by Nigeria to the northwest?"

The Middle School students are performing scenes from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' on the Founders Theater stage this month.  Jean Hardie is their virtual director, and David Demand is filming the entire production, including actors in costume at their homes.  The completed play will be available to view later this semester.  For now, you can see a Photo Gallery of them masked and in costume as they film their scenes!

While grades 8-11 were taking the PSAT on Jan. 26, the 6th and 7th graders enjoyed Dragon Fun Day activities including Nordic ski races on the soccer field, a pickleball tournament in ESAC, and a Virtual Game that combined distance learning and in-person students.  See photo galleries of their Pickleball Tournament and the Virtual Game.


While grades 8-11 are taking the PSAT on Jan. 26, the 6th and 7th graders enjoyed Dragon Fun Day activities including Nordic ski races on the soccer field, a pickleball tournament in ESAC, and a Virtual Game that combined distance learning and in-person students.  See a Photo Gallery of the Nordic ski games.

Did you figure out which babies grew up to be which Middle School teachers?  Here's the answer for Baby Faces & Names as well as for the Student Winners of the contest!

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