Lower School News

The 2nd graders drew owls to perch in these paper birch trees in the Arts Building.  This was part of their focus on learning about owls this fall.  See a Photo Gallery of the variety of owls that have landed on those trees!

The 2nd graders have been learning about owls. So when Biology teacher Seth Coleman discovered a Great Horned Owl that had died after getting caught in the baseball outfield net, the class came to the Bio Lab to check it out.  See a Photo Gallery of the students examining how a real owl's feathers, claws, eyes and ears make it such a successful hunter.

4th grade teachers Rick Petrini and Heidi Melville have set up math exploratory time in their classroom.  For example, the students might receive random Lego pieces and use those to demonstrate the math vocabulary they are learning in any way they choose.  See a Photo Gallery of some of their Lego math vocabulary that also displays the IB attributes of being knowledgeable, a thinker and a risk-taker.

The 5th graders spent two days testing their popsicle stick bridge designs to see how much weight they could hold before breaking.  See YouTube videos (each just over 10 minutes long) of the First Day Bridges and the Second Day Bridges breaking in rather dramatic fashion!  And see photo galleries of the students with their bridges from the First Day and the Second Day.

The Lower School assembled outside for a flag-waving celebration of Veterans' Day on Nov. 11, 2020.  Here's a Photo Gallery and a Quick Video of that event, along with a heartfelt "Thank You" to all members of the SGS community who have served their country.  

Each year the Lower School posts a “Hall of Honor” for Veterans’ Day in the hallway.  It highlights veterans that are family members of LS students or faculty with a photo and information about the veteran.  This year, we will post the “Hall of Honor” on PowerSchool Learning instead so everyone can view it from Monday, Nov. 9 through Nov. 13.  Go to Kathy’s & LS News PSL Page and click on Veterans’ Hall of Honor on the left sidebar to view the slideshow. 

After researching the engineering of bridge designs, the 5th grade class tested the weight that their own popsicle stick bridges could carry before breaking.  See photos of the First Group, whose best bridge held 86 lbs., and of the Second Group, who had a bridge carry 112 lbs! 

The 2nd graders, dressed up for Halloween, read scary books to their classmates at home and to the preschoolers at Green Gables Learning Center.  This is part of their service project with the students of that nearby school.  See a Photo Gallery of them sharing their favorite stories with friends old and new who were viewing from their tablets.

The Lower School students who were on campus dressed up in their costumes the day before Halloween and danced to the song Ghost-Busters on the playground.  See a Photo Gallery of the variety of strange creatures and superheroes, as well as a Photo Gallery of the Kindergarten classroom costumes.  The Middle School also had it's share of strange outfits -- see a Photo Gallery from the 7th grade science class and the MS hallways.  

SGS 5th grader Sophie Field used aluminum foil to create a rubbed relief of a leaf for art class.  After uploading it to the Artsonia website for student artwork, Sophie's work was one of 12 pieces selected worldwide for the best 4-6 grade Artist of the Week!  "We've used Artsonia for 3 or 4 years now, and this is the first time we've ever had a student chosen as a finalist," says art teacher Jennifer Davenport.  "I'm really proud that she made it to 2nd!"

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