Arts News

The 1st grade students joined music teacher Judy Hafso for their first music class in the new Arts Building on Sept. 9.  See a Photo Gallery of them singing and dancing while staying in their "socially distanced" hula hoops!

See K-2 Dragon Masks

September 14, 2020

The Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders created dragon masks for their Dragon Dance on Sept. 10.  See photo galleries of the Kindergarten Masks, the 1st Graders' Masks, and the 2nd Graders' Masks!

The SGS spring musical "Guys and Dolls" was cancelled when the school shut down in March, but the student actors had been practicing their songs and scenes for several months.  So in honor of their efforts, we've posted a Photo Gallery of some of their scenes and two songs from the show -- Carolyn He as Sarah Brown singing "If I Were a Bell" and Max Rickard as Sky Masterson singing "My Time of Day".  Enjoy!

Students, parents and staff combined two words to create a new word describing their feelings about life under quarantine.  Then they created a piece of art to illustrate those feelings.  See a Photo Gallery of their creations and see if you share the feelings they've described.


The Lower School students created artwork to say "Thank You" to their teachers for their hard work this year.  Art teacher Jennifer Davenport put it together with music for us all to enjoy.  See the Primary (K-2) Student Artwork Slideshow and the Intermediate (3-5) Student Artwork Slideshow.  Thank you, teachers -- have a wonderful summer!

The usual Lower School Friday Assembly on June 5 finished with music teacher Judy Hafso singing Grandma's Feather Bed and an Irish Blessing.  See videos of both songs and watch the Lower School kids singing along over Zoom!

To combat boredom, Upper School teachers Dave Holte and Chad Rigsby are watching a movie a week and discussing it online.  Check out their fifth movie podcast discussing the Coen Brothers' murder-comedy Fargo on the SGS YouTube Channel with new alumni guests Skyler King and Marshall Roll.  You can also find previous podcasts, about Jaws, In the Heat of the Night, The Godfather and JoJo Rabbit on the SGS YouTube Channel.

The 7th and 8th grade art students studied the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy, then found natural materials to create their own "land art" at home.  See a Photo Gallery of their creations, with several of their artworks followed by the student's reflection on the project.  

To combat boredom, Upper School teachers Dave Holte and Chad Rigsby are watching a movie a week and discussing it online.  Check out their fourth movie Podcast Discussing JoJo Rabbit on the SGS YouTube Channel with student guests Aidan Reichel and Tristan Krzyzanek.

A couple of new alumni, Skyler King and Marshall Roll, will be joining Dave and Chad this week to talk about the Coen Brothers classic film, Fargo, which tells the story of a kidnapping-for-hire plot gone terribly wrong.  The movie is rated R for violence, language, and sexuality—it lives up to this rating.  If you’re family has rules against R movies, or if you just have a tough time with violence, you should catch up with us down the road for another movie.  Fargo was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.  It won two—for Best Actress and Best Screenplay.

This week’s Guest Stars are all lined but up, but if you’re interested in joining Dave and Chad for future panels, shoot an email to or  They will also have a “mailbag,” so send them questions or conversation pieces about the film or related topics ahead of time and they’ll try to answer them.  Or if you’re just interested in watching a great movie, you can check out Frago in the next few days and enjoy their conversation.  You can also find previous podcasts, about Jaws, In the Heat of the Night, The Godfather and JoJo Rabbit on the SGS YouTube Channel

To combat boredom, Upper School teachers Dave Holte and Chad Rigsby are watching a movie a week and discussing it online.  Check out their third movie podcast discussing The Godfather on the SGS YouTube Channel with administrator guests Jamie Tender and Francesca Mulazzi. 

This week’s “Movie of the Week” is a contemporary one.  Taika Waititi’s JoJo Rabbit tells the story of Jojo, a German boy whose imaginary best friend is Hitler.  Jojo is presented with a struggle of conscience when he discovers a Jewish girl hiding in his attic.  The movie is rated PG-13, hilarious and sad, but is also justifiably controversial for its representations of the Holocaust.  It was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

This week’s Guest Stars are all lined but up, but if you’re interested in joining Dave and Chad for future panels, shoot an email to or  They will also have a “mailbag,” so send them questions or conversation pieces about the film or related topics ahead of time and they’ll try to answer them.  Or if you’re just interested in watching a great movie, you can check out JoJo Rabbit in the next few days and enjoy their conversation.  You can also find previous podcasts, about Jaws, In the Heat of the Night, and The Godfather on the SGS YouTube Channel.  

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